Friday 1 May 2020

First Oversea Family Trip In Sydney! Opera House, St Mary's Cathedral ~

It was time for us to explore Sydney! Awww excited, we took some pic at the entrance while waiting for everyone to get ready hehe weather was chill and windy, everyone brought along sweater~ see how everyone was excited hehe and i kept asking my younger bro to take pic for me hahaha

Okay so we had a tour around the city before we reached the destination, my uncle suggested to go to opera house in the night, couldn't remember why haha so he drove us to some park where we can took a pic of the opera house first from afar. Grandma, uncle and uncle Thomas parked the car beside road and we budak kampung went down and excitedly taking photos while they waited us in the car since the view is very common to them.

Mom and dad decided to sit on random ground, because we always see angmos love sitting on ground so they followed them haha.

 Okay wefie done with mini opera house at the back! Cute~! Hehe was excited to see the famous opera house.

Alright the next stop is the St. Mary Cathedral, although we are not Christian but the beautiful building is worth the visit.

This is not the church, just some random western building we saw while on the way to the church. Chapter Hall, sounds like somewhere from Harry Porter to me haha

This is the church! Wow a huge one. I think this is my first time visiting a church, we were not allowed to make too much noise inside the church as there were prayers going on.

Confession room, my first time seeing one!

Architectural wise, to me it's a very beautiful building, and the colourful windows (?), nice. Interesting experience for someone who had never been to a church before.

As the church is located in the city centre, hence we took a walk to the nearby busy business area with malls etc. On the way we passed by a fountain and took some pics. I think we are really not talented in taking nice picture, it's either blur, out of focus, object blocking the lens, slanted or we were not ready to pose hahahaha

After spending some time in the malls, looking at things we could not afford 🤣🤣 we went back after having lunch inside the mall food court and had some rest. After dinner, we went out for the opera house!

So the opera house is actually a place to watch opera hahhaa didn't realise before this. So actually the public can enter the building, but have to pay for ticket if you want to watch the opera. The roof (?) of the building actually is a big screen which can play some random videos or pictures loll oh on the way to the opera house we passed by an underground area with lots of cafe. Cool weather beside the sea, there was a lot of nice restaurants over there with really good ambience! Should come here with loved one again hehehe and enjoy the atmosphere.

Of course we need to take a wefie! As it's beside the sea, it's so windy and cold at the night, freezing cold. We managed to take some pics,  but blur one, better than none! Hahaha so this marked the end of the day! 

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