Monday 1 August 2016

My First Ever WWOOFing Experience In Korea! (Day 1) 我的韩国WWOOF日记!! (第一天)

So I heard about this WWOOF thing from my korean teacher who asked me to join it so that I could have more chance of practicing my Korean language with koreans. It is a voluntary program where you will stay with the host you have chosen and help them out with the farm work. In return, they will provide you with food and accomodation, not bad isnt't it ㅋㅋㅋ Since my internship is cancelled and I had a 2 months long semester break, I asked my amoi, Sabrina in university to go with me which I got a Yes from her and 'ppiiuuuu' there we reached the beautiful land of Korea!! <3 Our first stop is Busan, the second largest city in South Korea after Seoul!

能认识并加入这个自愿团体真的是要感谢我的韩语老师! 是她建议我去参加WWOOF以让我有更多的机会练习我的韩语并体验韩国的文化,因为我真的是太太太喜欢韩国了哈哈。WWOOF是能让你到韩国的农场工作然后有空余的时间你就可以到处看看,农场主人会给你吃的和住的,是不是很不错叻 XDDD 至少对我是! 我问了一个很有探险精神的大学亲古Sabrina和我一起去,她点头后,我们就出发啦! 第一站是釜山,继首尔后的韩国第二大城市! <3

Can you see the little houses down there? So many farms around the Gimhae International Airport where we landed. The buildings are totally different with those rumah papan in farms in Malaysia! 

 看到下面那些一排排的屋子吗? 有没有很可爱! 简直和我在韩国节目里看到的一模一样! ((废话这里是韩国啊 金海国际机场附近都是这些农场,和马来西亚农场的板屋完全不一样啊!

The first farm that we were going was in Haman, which was a 40 minutes journey from Busan bus terminal by bus. It is a small town, small but beautiful town (everywhere in Korea is beautiful for me hahaha) where even not all Koreans know about this place, this was what the host told me xD The code of the farm is GN_118, you can search it on the WWOOF Korea website here The picture above was the entrance to the farm with the farm's name Dong Dong Ba Gu and a deer statue, yeah they raised deers as well xD. 

我们的第一个农场是在咸安 (翻译成华语真的好奇怪! 哈哈哈)。从釜山巴士站坐巴士大概需要40分钟就能抵达。是一个小镇,可是非常美丽 (对我而言 xD) 因为真的是一个不大的地方,即使是韩国人也未必知道这个地方。有兴趣到这里做自愿工的话可以到这个网址 , 农场的代号是 GN_118. 上面这张图就是农场的入口,有一只鹿的雕像,因为他们有养鹿,是不是很神奇呢哈哈。然后农场的名字是Dong Dong Ba Gu ((我不会翻译 xD

This is part of the farm where our first host stay. Seriously we were so shocked to see the atmosphere over here when we first reached. It was so beautiful, calm and huge! Woahh!! Looks like some k-drama shooting site eh? No? Haha.

这里就是我第一个探险的农场! 这是屋前的一个小草玻,是不是很漂亮!! 这里的气氛是那么地美丽,平静而且农场真的蛮大的! 不觉得这片草玻很适合成为韩剧的拍摄地吗哈哈哈((只有我这么觉得吗 xDD

 This is the house where the host and his parents stayed. The dad actually built this himself and we were like WHATTTT HE BUILT IT??? when we first heard of it. It was a really beautiful house made of woods standing among the greens that surrounded it. Look at the atmosphere, so tranquil right? Perfect getaway from big cities. The host worked in Seoul before but he decided to settle himself here because life in big city was stressful with a fast pace which was beyond control. It was a really good place to stay over here, kind of healing.

这就是农场主人和他父母住的木屋。这个木屋是他爸爸自己亲手盖的哦!有没有很厉害!!竟然自己建屋子!真的是个很漂亮的木屋,四周都是绿绿的花草丛林,很治愈有没有。农场主人,以后简称欧巴吧哈哈,他以前是在首尔工作的,后来觉得大城市的生活很快很压力不适合自己,最后决定回来这里帮他的父母,过上简单的生活,很令人羡慕吧。感觉马来西亚好像都没见过类似这样的农场((可能是我井底之蛙哈哈哈 虽然这里没什么娱乐,可是简直是逃避城市生活的最佳选择!简直世外桃源啊((感叹

This was the house where we stayed for those few days. Alright maybe it looked like it was in a mess outside because of all those bushes but believe me, it was so comfortable inside!! It was a wooden house built by the host's dad himself within a period of 3 years! Again! Woahh daebak isn't it?!!

这间就是农场主人给我们提供的住宿。有没有很漂亮! 好吧第一眼看可能会觉得外面很乱,因为那些花花草草什么的,可是里面真的很美! 而且这间木屋是那个爸爸亲手用了三年的时间建的!! 大发啊!

After we settled our luggage in the small house, we went to the big house (?) where the mom was already waiting us with a korean home cooked meal (with a lot of side dishes lol).  Our very first meal in Korea!! The meal was good, it was something that I wouldn't have the chance to taste it in Malaysia and if you noticed, they put ice cubes in the seaweed soup to make the soup cold since it was summer. You know what, koreans are really afraid of heat loll anyway it was my first time having soup with ice cubes, weird right but you will get used to it hahaha That guy was our host oppa. He was friendly and can speak fluent English and was a really warm person to host us in his farm! He is around 30++ years old, around the same age as Lee Kwang Soo and Song Joong Ki oppa hahaha

行李都放好在小屋后,我们就到大屋(?)去了!他的妈妈已经准备好一桌韩国人的午餐来迎接我们了!有免费韩国食物的日子真好~~真的是一桌道地的韩国人午餐,如果你有注意到,他们在紫菜汤里放了冰块,因为那时是夏天,这样吃比较凉快哈哈哈。我跟你说韩国人真的超超超怕热的,哪像我们这些马来西亚人都热惯了((噗!一开始会很不习惯觉得怪怪的因为汤不是应该要热腾腾的吗,可是久了就还好因为在汤里放冰块在那边是很平常的事啦。那个男的就是收留我们这些自愿工的host! (不懂华语怎么说==)是个非常温暖的人,又会说英语,所以基本上沟通不是问题!才30岁出头,不老不老大概Lee Kwang Soo宋仲基欧巴的年龄哈哈哈

The moment you see this! You know it is a korean house! hahaha all the fermented foods like dwoenjang (?) was produced and stored inside here.


Not just a farm, there was a greenhouse with all the succulent plants or cactus where they sell them. There were so many variety of them and I managed to spot some odd-looking one like what you see in the upper picture. It somehow looked like kidneys or brain? I don't know but it was my first time seeing this kind of plants. 

不只是农场,这里也有一个绿屋让他们种一些仙人掌和其他我没看过的植物 ((不好意思见识不多哈哈。这里是开放让外面的顾客来选购的,就像马来西亚的那些花店。然后有一个很吸引我的就是这个(上图),长得很奇怪的植物,像肾又像人脑的东西,第一次见啊!

There were also a lot of plants in really small container, like a mini plant! So cute they took care of it so well we had to take picture with them hehehe


And then I discovered something really interesting over here! We went wwoofing in two farms and both of the farms had this kind of ermm stool (?) err I am not sure what should I call it but it was basically a cushion with two elastic straps where you wear them over your legs and it looks like this (upper picture), My first time seeing this kind of design hahaha! It was funny when I wore it and it kind of looked like a bee's buttocks isn't it hahaha look at them laughing at me LOL But it is really a good design especially when you have to squat down when working, this just fits right under your hips and you can sit down easily so that you can work comfortably. Feeling of buying one for my grandma in Malaysia but I couldn't find it aigooo


We finally started working! The task was easy, we just had to pick up the stem from the blueberries and threw away those blueberries which were overripe. First time seeing so manyyy blueberries!! They taste good hehehe We did this for around one or two hours? I am not sure but it was an enjoyable time because we chatted while doing our work with the host oppa and dad. There was cuckoo birds around the farm living in the greens and I kept hearing that 'cuckoo cuckoo' sound! At first I thought it was from a huge clock and then they told us they were real! I was so shocked because I didn't know this kind of cuckoo birds do exist! Lolll Since it was raining we didn't actually have much work to do.

然后终于开始工作了,是非常简单的任务,就是挑蓝莓。把那个蓝莓的枝拔掉,把过熟的蓝莓丢掉。第一次看到那么多蓝莓啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!他们的蓝莓很好吃很甜!现在在马来西亚买来吃都很贵 TTTTT 大概挑了一两个钟吧,时间过得很快因为我们是一边和欧巴聊天一边工作的哈哈哈。然后很神奇的是我一直听到“布谷!布谷!” 声。一开始以为是从哪一个很大的时钟发出来的,后来才知道是真的布谷鸟在叫!我才知道这种鸟是真的存在的!!真的是‘布谷布谷’地在叫!神奇啊!!然后我们今天的任务就结束了,因为一直下雨也没什么工让我们做囧

Dinner time!! Barbeque pork!! And that seafood, the one which looked like clams but was bigger with a black shell, that one was good!! Ahhh how i miss those time with free korean barbeque meal xDDD

晚餐时间!今天晚餐是烤猪肉!可是他们的猪肉有一种很猪的味道,我也不知道我要表达什么哈哈就是有一股猪味吧 (请无视这段 》《 然后那个黑色的我不懂叫什么应该是蛤蜊吧超好吃!应该是因为很新鲜吧真的好好吃。突然间又很想念那段有免费韩食的时光啊~~

Tadaaa!! This is the kitchen in our small house! Awww so nice but the host oppa told us that we won't have the chance to use the kitchen because his mom would provide food (more than enough) for us, so this is basically just a decoration xDDD

嗒嗒!这就是我们小屋里的厨房!可是欧巴说我们应该不会有机会用到因为他母亲会准备食物(很多)给我们 哈哈可是很漂亮有没有?真是盖得很不错

And this were our beds~~~looked so comfy right xDDD yes it really was!! The accomodation was really nice, look how clean it was! During night time after dinner this was the place that both of us would relax, have a talk or online (we brought our own wifi router). Wifi was available in the big house but not our small house. Ahhh, but we couldn't have our shower here, just a toilet was available in this small house so we would went over to the big house for a nice bath. The first day in the farm ended like this~~!
